Best Squared Magazine - Tumblr News / Magazine Theme
The first true Magazine / News Theme for Tumblr.
Squared Magazine was designed to give your Tumblog a real Magazine feel and look with all the popular Magazine Functions, like “Latest Articles” Widget and “Related Posts” Widget, while still beeing perfectly suitable for a blog.
Its design is clean, timeless and content focussed.
Dear customers,
i recently changed my hosting provider as well as my domain. If you did purchase one of my files before May 15th, 2012 please download the file again in order to get my new email adress from the documentation or use the contactform on my profilepage to contact me. My apologies for any inconvenicene this may cause.
Theme Features:
- Documented 1 Minute installation.
- A true category Navigation
- Related Articles Widget
- Share Buttons for almost every Social Network
- Latest Article Widget
- Tag cloud Widget
- Disqus comments
- Upload your own Logo
- Supports all Post Types
- Supports all Tumblr Features (Pages,Submit,Ask…)
- Styled “Read more” functionality
- Google Analytics ready
- Use any Javascript Widget you like (Flickr Feeds, Ads, Facebook Boxes, Polls and so on) with our Widget integration Feature.
- ...and more
And of course our friendly – almost 24/7 – Support
Update to Version 2.1 – 06, June, 2013:
Changed the latest tweets widget to work with twitters new api.
Update to Version 2.0:
First of all we want to thank everyone who bought the theme, you guys are great! Since we got a lot of feedback we included the most wanted features in this version:
- A built in facebook like box for pages
- A built in flickr feed
- Disqus now only gets displayed on article pages, no longer on custom pages like “About”
- An issue with disqus was fixed, which caused the pagination to have two borders on top sometimes
- Several small css updates making things smoother.
Changed the way the footer copyright message works.
- Fixed a little CSS Bug that sometimes produced a 1px gap between header and navigation.
- Changed they way the “Latest Article” Widget is activated to be more SEO friendly.
- Changed the Twitter Widget to show the latest 3 tweets instead of only the last on popular demand.
Please download the updated Version.
Fixed a little bug in the CSS which prevented bold / italic text to be displayed.
Buy it Now